Non-Linear Minds and Remote Viewing

This page is part of the series on 'Non-Linear Mindedness'

Do YOU have a NON-LINEAR mind?
Are YOU also highly intuitive?

Definition of Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing, sometimes called clairvoyance, is the ability to perceive objects, persons, events, and so on outside of normal time-space limitations associated with the 5 senses. In other words, it is a form of Extrasensory Perception. Whether or not you believe such things are possible, many people do, and that is what this particular web page is about.

Remote Viewing does NOT include education-related nor experience-related insight, nor is it a creative form of guesswork. It can be INFLUENCED by the experience and knowledge of the viewer, in that he may recognize and better interpret the details that are being perceived.

Remote Viewing also has NOTHING to do with feelings, spirituality (in the sense of a god or religious belief), mediumship (or 'channeling'), or pretty much anything to do with the 'New Age' philosophies. It can incorporate some or all of these, but is not dependent on any of them.

The Non-Linear Mind

Those of us who have Non-Linear Minds can often experience breakthroughs in creativity and logic that can only be called 'intuitive', and may even border on the miraculous. It may simply be that a pre-disposition to RELYING on intuition, an evolutionarily advantageous characteristic of a 'hunter/gatherer' society, is built into the genetic makeup associated with a non-linear mind.

Such an ability would CERTAINLY be an advantage to a hunter, a 'sixth sense' if you will, that would help him to determine where his prey is, and where the other predators are, without actually being able to see, hear, or smell them. And so it is likely to be true with the modern day sports hunter, soldier, or policeman, putting this kind of 'sense' to good use. It is my suggestion that those with such natural abilities would gravitate to avocations and careers in which they COULD be put to good use, and that it is a natural characteristic of the 5 to 15 percent of the world's population with Non-Linear Minds to exhibit at least SOME propensity towards psychic giftedness, particularly Remote Viewing.

Remote Viewing - How Does It Work?

Probably the most difficult thing I can do is to try and describe how Remote Viewing works according to my own personal (and reliable) experience. I do rely on it significantly for daily affairs, major decisions, and getting a general idea of what important trends are doing. Once (as an experiment) I even went to 'the right' slot machine and got $40 worth of quarters after only putting a few into it. But of course I have not played the lottery, nor frequented casinos to put my apparent 'advantage' to use (I'm not into gambling). Maybe I see that sort of thing as a moral challenge, but it definitely makes me uncomfortable. Still, other things like where to focus my career attention, or major business decisions based on trends, or even taking the risk of leaving a decent paying job to spend a couple of years developing my own corporation while living off of savings, are some of the examples of things that I find VERY suited to Remote Viewing. It takes the 'scare' out of doing scary things, knowing ahead of time that it's the right decision, and that things will work out ok.

In the past, before I made a point of using Remote Viewing, I ended up spending YEARS dealing with the consequences of a very small number of BAD decisions that nobody else seemed to believe were BAD, at least not at the time. Although there were those tell-tale signs, they came far too late for me. Bad career moves, bad 'relationship' moves, and involvement with certain groups of people can literally RUIN you for many years. If I had not IGNORED the possibility of being able to 'Remote View' back then, decades ago, I would have quickly determined that my original intuitive decisions were correct, and that the decision that I otherwise made, for completely DIFFERENT reasons, were WAY WRONG, even though they 'seemed right' at the time for all of the OTHER reasons that were not 'Remote Viewing'. I knew I could have done this sort of thing (Remote Viewing) back then, but for a few additional BAD reasons I did not. I should have trusted it BACK THEN, as I do now. The 'School of Regret and Hard Knocks' is no fun.

So, what IS Remote Viewing? Is it merely a 'feeling'? Certainly NOT! Emotions and instinct really have NOTHING to do with Remote Viewing. However, it may initially take the form of a 'subconscious nagging', perhaps like the classic 'butterflies in the stomach' or an inexplainable sensation of 'dread' or an 'uneasy apprehension' about a decision or a situation. If your subconscious mind seems to 'talks to you' in ways like this, it might be necessary to take the NEXT step whenever such things occur. And the next step is to find a way to communicate, with YOURSELF, to get the information that is bothering your subconscious mind enough to 'alert' you somehow. THAT would be Remote Viewing.

Talking To The Subconscious Mind

And now I have to describe to the rest of the world how to do something for which no common frame of reference really exists. How is it that I am able to talk to my subconscious mind, and extract otherwise imperceivable information that is relevant to my current question? Exactly what AM I doing?

The best way to describe it is 'asking a question' and then 'seeking the answer'. So far so bad, right? Long ago I learned how to quickly drop into an altered state, spontaneously, at will, whenever I want to, then ask the question in my mind, and perceive the answer to it. Really, that's all it is. As I have heard, some people like to draw things out on paper, or list their perceptions as a set of words, or even attempt to interpret their dreams. But in general, it's just a matter of putting your mind into a state where you can access the information, then use what you already know to interpret it.

But going into an 'altered state of consciousness' isn't all that difficult. Anyone who plays video games intently is doing more or less THE SAME THING, except they are 'hyperfocusing' on the game play instead of on obtaining answers from the subconscious mind. Avid gamers typically alter their own consciousness level in order to better control the game. I know I do. Playing console video games could be, in many ways, a form of training to help you understand how to alter your consciousness for OTHER things as well. After all, if you can do it for a game, why not work? Or Remote Viewing? And there are certain characteristics of this altered consciousness that can be explained physiciologically, and that might clue you in as to what the process might be.

The Amygdala - The Brain Switch

Located on both sides of your brain, approximately where your temples are (but more 'inside' the brain), is a pair of brain structures known as The Amygdalae, a major nerve switching center that switches between the back half of the brain (sometimes referred to as the 'reptile' brain, since it first appeared in reptiles) and the font half of the brain (sometiems referred to as the 'mammal brain', since it first appeared in mammals). If you're a creationist, you can say 'designed into' if you like (it really doesn't matter as far as this point goes). Primates and humans have additional brain structures not present in other animals, and humans have more development in the frontal lobe area than other pimates. And the Amigdalae are the switches that enable 'back brain' and 'front brain' kinds of thinking and responses. It is an extremely important area of the brain when it comes to 'fight or flight' reactions, basic needs, and higher thinking. And it is my own experience and that of others that the 'switching' of the amygdala to the front, 'higher thinking' areas of the brain, is a requirement for accessing extrasensory perception.

Whenever you experience what many call 'positive feelings', or take on a positive attitude, or enjoy your current experience, your amygdalae are most likely 'switched forward', and those parts of your brain that are associated with higher level thinking are active and processing information. Whenever you experience fear, strong hate or anger, fits of rage, criminal intent, and so on, your amygdalae are most likely 'switched backward', and those parts of your brain that are associated with basic instinct, self-preservation, and self-interest are active and processing information. Since it is the 'higher level thinking' portions of the brain that are needed to access extrasensory perception, it makes clear sense that if you put yourself into a mental state that is SIMILAR to one where you experience 'intellectual pleasure', like listening to music, or reading a book, or playing a video game, or doing something creative, you are more likely to be able to access extrasensory information associated with Remote Viewing.

So it should be no wonder that anyone COULD theoretically drop into an 'altered state', one with the amygdalae switched to the forward part of the brain, if you simply do the kinds of 'stereotypical things' associated with someone you would consider to be an 'ascended master.' Such a person would have peaceful thoughts, may meditate for long periods of time, is 'in touch' with physical and spiritual matters, and experiences a sense of comfort and security that involves no fear, no apprehension, and no negative emotions whatsoever. OK, that's not practical for the average person, or ME for that matter, but it's important to realize that the closer you get to this kind of mental state, the more likely you are to be able to do Remote Viewing. And we all have our moments. And it's my opinion that you only need 'a moment' from time to time.

The Language of the Subconscious

For some odd reason, names, words, letters, numbers (particularly lottery numbers), and other such things are completely unintelligible to me while Remote Viewing. I suppose it is just as well, since there are usually other ways of actually getting this information (like NORMAL RESEARCH for most of it). But an image, or a sensation (smell, taste, touch), or a 'kind of sound' (rumbling, ringing, yelling, quiet) is more likely to be distinguished. And if I attempt to recognize a word, I may have success if I can 'reverse' its sounds. This seems counterintuitive, but with some research on Reverse Speech (and even 'baby talk') indicating that the subconscious mind may be revealing itself by 'talking backwards' within our normal speech, it starts to make a lot more sense. Regardless, words and numbers and letters and the sounds associated with them are rarely, if ever, part of the subconscious mind. Images and sensations and perceptions, however, are. And even within these limits, your subconscious can tell you a LOT.

So as an example I might think of a question, like 'is there a traffic jam up ahead' or 'will following this kind of plan result in a successful outcome' or something of that nature. Then focusing on that question, I simply relax my mind, almost like falling asleep (but with my eyes open), like the state you are in if you go into 'headphone land' with good music. Then I sort of 'scan around' to see if there are any indications that there's anything unexpected, and after 'looking' at it for a while I arrive at a perceived answer (or sometimes nothing at all, which prompts me to re-form the question and try to scan for more possibilities or details). In general I have a pretty good success record, though it's important to point out that you need to ask the RIGHT question of yourself, or the information may become misleading. 'Where is this object' can lead you to a lot of bad locations, but in general when I find the thing I'm looking for, it fits with the Remote Viewing information (though it may not be what I first expected). I might not be able to tell table from shelf, but I might be able to see that it's poorly lit and on something flat. So it's helpful, but not prophetic. And I believe it's far better to ask questions of your subconscious, but mis-interpret what you see, than to simply fail from a complete lack of knowledge. It may improve your success rate later on.

Self Correction and Correlation With Reailty

A good scientist is as pleased with failure as he is with success, because the failure proves that the experiment is NOT a good one, which leads to further research, new theories, and lessons learned. The measurnig rod of Remote Viewing is REALITY. If what you perceive in Remote Viewing does NOT coincide with what really happens, it's 'back to the drawing board' time. You need to re-assess whether or not your own imagination or prejudices or pre-conceived notions have influenced you into THINKING that you perceive something, when in fact it is NOT the case. I try to do this as often as I can, because it improves accuracy. I certainly do NOT want to rely on something that has a poor track record of success. And even a FEW successes can lead you into 'what works' vs 'what does NOT work'.

Now, I'm not trying to sell anything, except maybe the basic idea that Non-Linear Minded people have access to a kind of GIFTEDNESS, with advantages that linear-minded people do NOT have, and that these advantages should be, well, TAKEN ADVANTAGE of, instead of being called 'a disorder' or 'a syndrome' by ignorant people who think linearly and are incapable of 'understanding' or 'getting it'. Or, from a sinister perspective, those with the potential of perceiving things beyond normal senses may be a THREAT to a few people that exercise a LOT of influence over policy, especially when it concerns CHILDREN. But you don't have to believe a word of what I've written here. It's my OPINION after all. I think a lot of people share this kind of opinion with me, barring the details. Several universities have studied Extra Sensory Perception, universities with names like Princeton (i.e. the P.E.A.R. Lab - please ignore the obvious SLANT of the Wikipedia article on P.E.A.R.; wikipedia is not well known for neutrality on any controversial subject, including drugging children with Ritalin for AD[H]D and their article on Global Warming Controversy), and the U.S. employed Project Stargate as an integral part of its spy operations in the 1980's.

If you just gave 'Remote Viewing' an honest try, you might find you like it. As far as I know it's not harmful (unless you count being scoffed at for admitting that you 'Remote View' to certain people), but may be habit forming; and it certainly carries no negative side effects that I'm aware of. It's also something that may lead you into a kind of success that you would otherwise be unable to attain. And knowing what MIGHT happen in the future, or what is LIKELY to happen, or even whether or not you are being LIED to (or that you're being told the truth), ALL with a reasonable chance of success, would DEFINITELY help you to make life-changing decisions correctly, the kinds of decisions that would otherwise paralyze you with fear, or worry, or worse.

Last updated: 1/26/2011

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