Socialism - Progress to the Point of Failure

Or, why Non-Linear Minded People Should Hate Socialism and Love Capitalism

Communism, by any other name

What is socialism?
It is, by definition, the use of government (which SHOULD be 'the people' but usually is 'the elitists') to provide the things that individuals provide for themselves, and private industry provides for their customers. Socialism in its purest form would take over the profit-motivated business world and financial world, and controls the access to all of the resources that the free market would have controlled through the principles of supply, demand, and competition between suppliers.

So WHY would anyone want this? In an ideal world, it suggests that unfair business practices, exploitation, and 'manipulation for profit' would be put to an end, and FAIRNESS would become the law of the land (everyone having equal access to everything). But in a real world, everyone CANNOT have a Mercedes. Some have to settle for a Geo Metro, because that's all they can afford. And if EVERYONE could have a Mercedes, you couldn't make enough to go around! In the ideal world everyone would work equally hard and receive equal pay for that equal work, but the real world shows us that many (if not most) people would 'slack off' and allow the few hard workers to shoulder the benefit, without getting an increase in pay to compensate them for their hard work. And how long do you think THAT would continue?

So while the "Progressive" thinkers continue to envision their socialist utopia, AND use their financial and political prowess to FORCE THE REST OF US into this kind of system, most of the people (aka 'sheeple') continue their bleeting and going along with whatever the politicians shove down their throats.

This differs little from a COMMUNIST society, in that Socialism (or a form of it) is essentially forced upon all of the people equally, until such time that the government leadership can be abolished. Well, FAT CHANCE that SUCH A THING would EVER HAPPEN! It is a rare event indeed when those with power (say 'Elitists') will ever GIVE UP THAT POWER, even for an idealistic reason, without force. Those in power will ALWAYS find a reason to STAY IN POWER. This is human nature. And this is yet another reason in favor of any form of term limit for political office, to FORCE THEM OUT.

So, in reality, SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM are no different. It is the same end, using the same means.

Non-Linear minds vs Socialism

Within Socialism, the one thing that is enforced more than anything else is the idea of EQUAL OUTCOME (except, of course, for those who are running the show, the ELITISTS, who manage to exempt themselves and receive their extra benefits and special privileges whenever possible). But 'equal outcome' is against human nature, and as a result, it can NEVER be achieved! In fact, all you will do is PREVENT anyone from being an achiever, since there will be no reward for achievement, and no punishment for laziness. Regardless of how well you do, the reward is the same. So why bother working at all?

And this is precisely why the Soviet Union collapsed. Without the motivation that if you work really hard, and take risks, and do the best you can with the opportunity you have, that you'll DO BETTER than if you did NOT do these things, there is NO MOTIVATION TO SUCCEED! Take the example of grades in school and you'll see what I mean.

Let's create a hypothetical school, which has every kind of student from the inner-city abused gang-family kid with a racial chip on his shoulder whose parents spend at least half their time in prison, to the brightest, most gifted and priveleged child (genetically, socially, and every other way) to ever walk the face of the earth, and everyone in between them. In our hypothetical school, everyone takes the SAME classes, regardless of their ability, so that nobody is moving ahead of the others. Already I can hear the cringes, especially from those of you who have non-linear minds, because you ALREADY RECOGNIZE THE KINDS OF THINGS THAT DROVE YOU NUTS WHEN YOU WERE IN SCHOOL, right? But, if you think THAT is bad, let's go to the next step: outcome equalization.

Our hypothetical school believes that EVERYONE should have the SAME OUTCOME. But instead of putting extra work and extra teaching effort on the students who do poorly, they decide that some form of 'affirmative action' should be done, because it isn't FAIR if some students are naturally gifted and don't have to work hard to get an 'A'. These 'A' students (regardless of whether they work for it or slide by) must give up SOME OF THEIR RIGHT ANSWERS to the 'C' students, a few more to the 'D' students, and as many as possible to the 'F' students so that the 'F' students can at least get a 'D' and pass the class. Achieving a 'C' for the 'F' students doesn't seem possible, but at least by PASSING THEM we can get by as a society and say "SEE, NOBODY FAILS!". So the 'A' students now find that HALF OF THEIR RIGHT ANSWERS are being given to OTHER STUDENTS. But the smart ones figure out that if THEY LOWER THEIR AVERAGE JUST A LITTLE, they'll become 'B' students. Then they won't have to work so hard and they can still maintain THE SAME GRADE as if they were 'A' students GIVING UP RIGHT ANSWERS. Or, in effect, they are earning a HIGHER GRADE PER HOUR OF STUDY. They work LESS HARD, they get by with HIGHER SCORES, and they (in effect) AVOID TAXATION OF THEIR GRADES TO PROP UP 'THE POOR STUDENT'.

In the event that you view this hypothetical school as if it can't happen, and you do NOT see the connection between money earned, money kept, and work applied, then I shall explain it to you in terms that cannot be denied.

YOU have a new job. YOU earned this job, through hard work. The only thing is, you are a SALARY employee now, and not an HOURLY employee. YOU are no longer a blue-collar union member, but one of the MANAGEMENT people. And when the bosses told you that you would earn TWICE THE MONEY, you were VERY HAPPY! What they did NOT tell you is that the government taxers would charge you TWICE THE PERCENTAGE that they used to for your taxes, because government has to pay for health care, welfare, and retirement plans for everyone that earns LESS THAN YOU DO. So you expect to be able to buy that Mercedes, or a nice big house in a great neighborhood. The only problem is that you CANNOT BUY IT, because you are PAYING ALMOST ALL OF THE DIFFERENCE IN TAXES! And not only that, as a SALARY employee, you don't get overtime, and when the company has to CUT BACK because they aren't getting the sales to keep blue-collar employees employed, guess where you are? That's right, you're out there alongside the blue-collar people doing the job you used to do, except that NOW you STILL have to do the 'management stuff' too.

Does this sound farfetched? I hope not. Because, ladies and gentlement, THIS is the direction that the people who rally the labor unions to vote for socialists are trying to take us in.

So what does this have to do with non-linear mindedness? I think the answer is pretty obvious. Non-linear minded people don't want day-to-day sameness. They are hunters and gatherers, opportunists and Entrepreneurs (with a capital 'E'). Non-linear minded people understand that reward MUST be present for them to work, or else they won't work. It won't be worth their time. People who think like farmers, who perform the same tasks from one day to the next, don't seem to think in these kinds of terms. They look forward to retirement, after 50 years of doing the SAME THING, and their social security and their medicaire. And they don't really see the effect that government controls over their lives are having on the society at large. As long as they get their "HARVEST" after their 75th birthday, they're content enough NOT to stir things up.

Non-linear minded people tend to be the renegades in society as well as the inventors and the pioneers. 'Status Quo' is profanity to someone who must seek a better way, or an easier way, or both, for EVERYTHING. And when you have a society that's based on SOCIALISM instead of CAPITALISM, the non-linear minded people are going to be EXTREMELY UNHAPPY, and rightfully so.

Taxation punishes

Taxation, whenever it's applied, is a form of punishment. It is a NEGATIVE INCENTIVE. If taxation is applied fairly, the negative effect is minimized. However, when it's so called "PROGRESSIVE" (progress can be towards something bad as well as something good, FYI), those who pay a higher rate in taxes will NEARLY ALWAYS seek some way to avoid the 'punishment' of taxation. Governments have LONG used this to manipulate people into certain kinds of behavior, and I use the word 'manipulate' to connote exactly the kind of sinister ploy that it REALLY IS. But the net effect of high taxation on high income earners is twofold: First, it keeps them from taking risks where the payoff rate drops too low (they can't afford to take a higher risk due to high tax rates on the profits), and it motivates them to NOT WORK AS HARD or to HIDE THEIR PROFTS and wait until the tax rates go down again. The net effect on society is that there are FEWER NEW JOBS CREATED, and LESS REVENUE TO GOVERNMENTS. Ronald Reagan, the best president in the 20th century, knew that lowering tax rates would stimulate the economy, BIG TIME, especially if the tax rates were evened out. Unfortunately, he had Democrats in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to deal with, so after some rather STRONG COMPROMISES, the U.S. Economy grew to the point where the Federal deficit was the lowest it had EVER BEEN in DECADES. Unfortunately, efforts under subsequent presidents and congresses to 'fix the deficit' ended up in TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF DEBT being added to it. That is because they FORGOT TO GO BACK TO FIRST PRINCIPLES, and DO THE THING THAT OBVIOUSLY WORKS. But that would mean ADMITTING THAT SOCIALISM DOES NOT WORK. So they did the WRONG thing INSTEAD. They RAISE TAXES, INCREASE GOVERMENT SPENDING, and BAIL OUT FAILURES. WRONG WRONG WRONG!

The ONLY solution to fixing THIS kind of problem is to CUT THE SIZE OF GOVERMENT by REDUCING THE SPENDING. If that means that 25% of Americans will NO LONGER GET THEIR GOVERNMENT CHECKS then SO BE IT! While doing this you MUST lower the tax rate, and lower the MAXIMUM TAX RATE which means that 'the rich' will pay LESS IN TAXES. Of course these people really aren't "The Rich". They are the upper-middle class and small business owners trying to BECOME THE RICH. And this is their MOTIVATION TO SUCCEED And SUCCESS means HIRING EMPLOYEES. That means YOU. YOU will be hired by a small business owner trying to BECOME THE RICH. So why don't you just LET HIM DO IT?

Follow the Money

OK, so WHY is society being SHOVED in the direction of SOCIALISM, with all of the tempting lies and deceitful activities surrounding it, paying Paul by robbing Peter through high tax rates, buying votes by promising the moon, and delivering rotting cheese in its place. We haven't gone to the moon since the early 1970's, thanks to Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" scam, a way of enslaving the poor with government shackles called 'welfare checks', keeping them 'in their place' (LBJ was a racist, in my opinion), by PAYING THEM TO STAY POOR. Just ask Star Parker about THAT.

And when you PAY THE POOR TO STAY POOR, you create a GREATER DIVIDE BETWEEN RICH AND POOR. That creates more "Class Envy" where those on the poor side envy those on the rich side, and want to TAKE AWAY THEIR WEALTH because of ENVY. This envy is then EXPLOITED by politicians, like (cough) Senator Barbara Boxer in her political ads against Carly Fiorina in the 2010 U.S. Senate election, a prime example of how this kind of manipulation actually worked for the socialists. And people CONTINUE to buy into their lies, because they EMOTE instead of THINK. You cannot be 'EMOTING' and 'THINKING' at the same time. The brain has a switch called the 'Amygdala' that (more or less) PREVENTS it. And so the politicians


their constituents to vote for socialism by making them EMOTE instead of THINK. And 'Class Envy' is one way to do it.

And the beneficiaries of this kind of evil MANIPULATION are not those who are taxed as if they were 'rich'. The people who ALREADY HAVE THEIR WEALTH benefit directly from this. First, NO NEW RICH PEOPLE will be entering their power base. They will be KEPT OUT (like some kind of snobbish exclusion) by TAXING THEM AT HIGH RATES, thereby PREVENTING them from BECOMING the rich. And as the power base of "OLD MONEY" is further solidified by keeping others OUT and increasing the divide between rich and poor, the ADVANCE KNOWLEDGE of the kinds of things that are in the plan to further socialise the U.S. and the rest of the world gives them a kind of "INSIDER TRADING" advantage for their well-established riches. In addition, they fund non-profit organizations (like Move On or Accountable America) that are basically POLITICAL ACTIVISTS. And so a good portion of the funds that the extremely wealthy 'old money' socialists donate to these organizations becomes TAX DEDUCTIBLE and is THEREFORE FUNDED IN PART BY TAX DOLLARS! That dirty little secret helps the 'old money' elitsts to drive the economy towards something that they are better in control of.

In 1776 the United States was formed BECAUSE of the kinds of elitists (then called 'Kings' and 'Lords', now called 'old money') who oppress the people in various ways including taxation without representation, forcing the quartering of soldiers, and so on. The U.S. Government was designed NOT TO ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN, but it looks like the socialist elitists have found a way around the U.S. Constitution, and because of that THE ENTIRE WORLD IS AT RISK. Whether or not anyone wants to admit it, the U.S. Economy drives the world. The current attempt to devalue the dollar and lower the effect of the U.S. Economy on the world by harming the U.S. Economy and building up the economies of China and India has only resulted in the ENTIRE WORLD heading towards insolvency. But after the 2010 elections, it looks like a number of the American people have WOKEN UP to the plans of a few to KEEP themselves in power over the many,

Naming Names

But if you want to get into the realm of 'who REALLY gains when everyone else loses', let's take a close look at George Soros. Information on him has been scattered about the internet, including the web site in the aforementioned link. This man once assisted Nazis in confiscating the personal property of Jewish people during the occupation of Hungary in 1944, and he was quoted as saying that it was "the best year of his life". He is also well known as a major contributor to communist and left-leaning organizations, such as, Media Matters, America Coming Together (ACT), and the Open Society Institute (check out the URL, ''), and he is a major player in The Carlyle Group. According to THIS article by Accuracy in Media, "Convicted in France of insider trading, Soros specializes in weakening or collapsing the currencies of entire nations for his own selfish interests. He is known as the man who broke the Bank of England." What a NICE GUY!

For now let us just use Mr. Soros as a 'case in point', an example of the KINDS of people who are behind the socialist/communist agenda, who are doing EVERYTHING they can to turn the United States of America (their biggest OBSTACLE) into a SOCIALIST nation that 'shouts down' any kind of free speech that DISAGREES with THEM. And, they're becoming RICHER and MORE POWERFUL in the process! 'Follow the money', indeed. Fortunately, the people of the United States are WAKING UP to this sort of thing, and doing what they can to PEACEFULLY put a stop to it. And, naturally, those who are behind the LEFTIST agenda are making THEIR move, too. They are following the 'instructions' of Soros-sponsored political 'non-profit' groups, and using labor unions and 'rent a mob' radicals of all kinds, AROUND THE GLOBE, creating unrest using the tactics of Saul Alinsky from his book, 'Rules for Radicals', and CAUSING the growing worldwide economic and political instability that nearly always precedes some kind of TAKEOVER. It happened in 1776, after all, but we ended up with a Republic. It happened again in France, in 1789, but THEY ended up with Napoleon Bonaparte. It happened again in Russia in 1917, and THEY ended up with Lenin. And with a little extra research you can see that the pattern SOMETIMES works 'for the better', but usually it does NOT. And in a REPUBLIC that is governed by LAW, the best way to 'revolt' is AT THE VOTING BOOTH! Anything ELSE will only open the door for something much, much, worse. The tears WILL follow the revolution. Oops, too late.

At THIS web site, Patriot's Lament has listed a large number of left-leaning organizations that are HEAVILY FUNDED by George Soros. And remember, Mr. Soros is ONLY A CASE IN POINT. There are no doubt others who are not such an 'easy target' to get dirty information on. It would not surprise me if his prominence in the media is in no small part an attempt to mis-direct the focus onto someone with a Nazi background that's easier to HATE because of it. But these so-called 'non-profit' organizations, whose jobs it is to PROMOTE SOCIALISM, CAUSE POLITICAL UNREST, and CONTROL THE MEDIA, are being donated to by a LOT of people, and it's no surprise that at least SOME of them have direct ties to unions, like the AFLCIO (take a look at who's running them, and their resumes). It is NO WONDER that Mr. Soros REALLY LIKES the 'campaign finance reform' (McCain/Feingold) that LIMITS what an individual may contribute, but OPENS THE BARN DOORS for 'political groups' like the ones funded by, you guessed it, Mr. George Soros. It looks like a lot of people in Washington D.C. must be at the end of this guy's puppet strings, or else they are just 'sock puppets' for the many leftist 'non-profit' groups that ALL SEEM TO HAVE A COMMON GOAL AND COMMON TACTICS. Follow the money, indeed.

Think for YOURSELF!

Don't just believe what I say, or what THEY say, or what ANYBODY says. Think for yourself, and do your own research, especially if you do not believe what is written here, or don't WANT to believe it.

Last updated: 7/19/2011

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